Vauxhall Car Showroom, Vantage Park, Coventry

As part of a larger redevelopment of a former goods yard off Phoenix Way constructed in early 2000’s to stimulate generation in the area, a purposed built car showroom was constructed for Vauxhall cars.

Key Facts

Services Provided:

  • Produce a Travel Plan document suitable for submission to the Local Planning Authority including a full existing modal survey for existing staff

Contribution to Planning Consent: Travel Plan approved by Coventry City Council to discharge planning condition and enable the project to proceed

Key Environmental Facts: Vauxhall committed to reducing car usage by their staff over 5 years

  • 10-15% reduction in car use from a baseline of 66%
  • Increase public transport use from 16% baseline to 25%
  • Promote cycling amongst staff to 10% from 4.5% baseline
  • Encourage more staff to walk to work to 15% from a baseline of 4.5%


Vauxhall Coventry

The Project

As part of the planning process, Vauxhall were committed to delivering a Travel Plan to encourage sustainable amongst its staff and visitors.  Encon Associates carried out a baseline travel pattern survey and collated the results to inform the targets and measures to be included in the Travel Plan.

The Results

The document was submitted to Coventry City Council and ultimately approved to enable Vauxhall to occupy the building on time and ensure they continue to meet their obligations to encouraging sustainable transport.

Vauxhall Brandish

Images courtesy of Vauxhall Brandish, Coventry

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