Hea 06: Safety & Security - Safe Access

Encon Associates provide services to achieve the BREEAM 2018 credit Hea 06: Safety & Security - Safe Access

The aim of this credit is "To recognise and encourage effective measures that promote safe and secure use and access to and from the building."

To meet compliance with this credit you will need to provide a drawing illustrating the vehicular and pedestrian circulation within the proposed site.

Swept Path Analysis

Using the latest computer software to carrying out Swept Path Analysis for vehicles accessing the proposed premises, our Highways Engineers are able to offer advice on safe manoeuvrability for site users and ensure necessary evidence for compliance of this credit is provided.

Swept Path Analysis Service

Additional BREEAM 2018 Credits

We provide a number of services specifically designed to achieve credits under BREEAM 2018. If you are working towards a BREEAM 2018 certification, please visit our page below to see if there are any other credits we can help with.

BREEAM 2018 Credits

Customer Testimonials

"I can only say positive things about Encon Associates. They always endeavour to get out quality work within tight timescales. Mark is very approachable with any queries and is very knowledgeable in his field."

Ryan Fish

Contact us for a quote

We are always happy to offer impartial advice and guidance - if you have a requirement for one of our services and would like to discuss, or to request a quote, please contact us below.