Air Quality Assessment

Encon Associates specialise in a range of Air quality Assessment (AQA) services for Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) purposes.

Our consultants provide you with the required information to mitigate planning objections, including scoping reports, screening assessments or detailed air quality impact assessments presented as either a standalone report or a technical chapter within a wider submission document, to help you achieve planning permission.

Why are Air Quality Assessments needed?

Air Quality Assessments (AQA) are increasingly requested in support of planning applications and are often a requirement to discharge planning conditions. The consideration for the suitability of the proposed site use or an assessment of whether a development will cause air quality impacts at sensitive locations, are high on the agenda of Local Authorities.  Now specifically referenced within the National Planning Policy Framework, air quality issues are a material consideration for planning approvals and often lead to the refusal of consent for new developments.

Our Air Quality Assessment service

Whatever your requirement for an air quality assessment we can offer a tailor made service to deal with the needs of your project such as assessing the impact of existing air quality on a proposed residential development, quantifying the impact of a large scale development on a local community or monitoring for nuisance dust around a demolition site. Encon Associates has the required expertise to assist you with your Air Quality Assessment requirements.

Air Quality Assessment for Planning

Our Air Quality Assessment service can help mitigate planning applications or conditions of planning consent:

Customer Testimonials

"I have both employed and recommended Encon Associates for a number of the differing services they are able to provide and without exception, always been extremely satisfied with the cost, timescales and quality of the work produced."

David Limb
Cynergi Ltd

Contact us for a quote

We are always happy to offer impartial advice and guidance - if you have a requirement for one of our services and would like to discuss, or to request a quote, please contact us below.