SAP Calculations

Encon Associates can carry out SAP Calculations for planning applications, conditions of planning consent or compliance with Part L of Building Regulations.

It is a requirement for Building Regulation compliance that a SAP energy assessment (Standard Assessment Procedure) is carried out to demonstrate Part L compliance for residential buildings prior to Building Control sign off.

Often local authorities require a minimum reduction in CO2 emissions over and above Building Regulations from either improvements in fabric efficiency OR the use of Low or Zero Carbon Technologies.

Whether your project is a brand new dwelling, an extension to an existing dwelling or the
conversion of an existing building, then SAP calculations are needed to satisfy Building Regulations.

SAP Calculations for New Build Dwellings

Encon Associates are able to calculate the Dwelling Emission Rate (DER) and the Dwelling Fabric Energy Efficiency (DFEE), both of which are benchmarked against the current standards set out in Approved Document Part L in order to comply with Building Regulations.

SAP Calculations for New Build Dwellings Service

SAP Calculations for Extensions

Encon Associates are able to undertake SAP Calculations for extensions if the amount of glazing is over 25% of the total extension area in order to comply with Building Regulations and determine the amount of heat loss that will occur.

SAP Calculations for Extensions Service

SAP Calculations for Conversions

Encon Associates are able to undertake SAP assessments for conversions to demonstrate compliance with the requisite U-values as stipulated by Part L of Building Regulations.

SAP Calculations for Conversions Service

Additional Services

We provide a number of services specifically designed to help mitigate commonly required planning conditions, support pre-application requirements, planning conditions, and planning objections and refusals.

Planning and Building Regulations Services

Customer Testimonials

"My experience with Encon Associates has been very positive, they were responsive with regards to our special requests and I would not hesitate to purchase their services again and would recommend them to our partners and clients."

Ksenia Agapova
JLL Russia

Contact us for a quote

We are always happy to offer impartial advice and guidance - if you have a requirement for one of our services and would like to discuss, or to request a quote, please contact us below.