Pol 05: Reduction of Noise Pollution

Encon Associates provide services to achieve the BREEAM 2018 credit Pol 05: Reduction of Noise Pollution

The aim of this credit is "To reduce the likelihood of noise arising from fixed installations on the new development affecting nearby noise-sensitive buildings."

To meet compliance with this credit you will need to employ a Suitably Qualified acoustician to undertake a Noise Impact Assessment in line with BS7445.

Noise Impact Assessment

Our highly skilled and experienced acoustics team can provide acoustic services in line with the BREEAM requirements with all our acoustic team being Suitably Qualified with membership to the Institute of Acoustics MIOA . Our head acoustician has over 30 years of acoustics experience and can provide design attenuation advice where required to mitigate your acoustic requirements.

Noise Impact Assessment Service

Additional BREEAM 2018 Credits

We provide a number of services specifically designed to achieve credits under BREEAM 2018. If you are working towards a BREEAM 2018 certification, please visit our page below to see if there are any other credits we can help with.

BREEAM 2018 Credits

Customer Testimonials

"I have both employed and recommended Encon Associates for a number of the differing services they are able to provide and without exception, always been extremely satisfied with the cost, timescales and quality of the work produced."

David Limb
Cynergi Ltd

Contact us for a quote

We are always happy to offer impartial advice and guidance - if you have a requirement for one of our services and would like to discuss, or to request a quote, please contact us below.