Riding School for the Disabled (RDA), Shrewley, Warwickshire

Working on behalf of the lead designers, Rowbotham Architects and main contractor Greswolde Construction, Encon Associates provided various services including, transport assessment, landscape design, tree survey and ecological appraisal for the £3.7m flagship National Training Centre.

Key Facts

Services Provided:

  • Phase I Habitat Appraisal
  • GCN Survey
  • Bat Survey

Additional Services Provided: 

  • Transport Assessment
  • BS5837:2012 Tree Survey
  • Landscape Design

Contribution to Planning Consent: Extensive protected species surveys to confirm the absence of newts and bats.  Protected the existing trees on site to comply with British Standard 5837:2012.  Achieve discharge of planning condition to provide a landscaping scheme.

riding school image resized

Image courtesy of Robothams Architects

The Project

The new Centre at Lowlands Farm, Shrewley, provides an important focal point for the charity, which offers therapy through horses to disabled children and adults all over the UK.

The new Centre is used for training hundreds of volunteers and provides commercial riding lessons and venue hire opportunities, as well as RDA sessions for disabled clients.

The Solution

The development includes the demolition of a collection of old building and the renovation of existing equestrian facilities on site including the creation of a new building with office space and training rooms.

The initial ecological appraisal of the site revealed the need to carry out further surveys to establish if the land was being used by Great Crested Newts (GCN) and old building by bats.  Following further surveys, including an GCN survey, we were able to confirm the land was free of protected species and planning consent was granted by the local authority to enable the new facility to proceed.

Contact us for a quote

We are always happy to offer impartial advice and guidance - if you have a requirement for one of our services and would like to discuss, or to request a quote, please contact us below.