Protected Species Surveys, South Yorkshire

Instructed by Quod planning consultants on behalf of Travis Perkins, Encon Associates were responsible for providing ecological consultancy to mitigate potential issues relating to the presence of protected species on this parcel of land close to Rother Valley Country Park in South Yorkshire.

Key Facts

Development Site Area: 0.6 hectares

Gross Floor Area: 12,500 sq ft

Services Provided:

  • Phase I Habitat Appraisal
  • GCN Survey
  • Badger Survey
  • Reptile Survey

Contribution to Planning Consent: Extensive protected species surveys to confirm the absence of newts, reptiles and badgers

rother valley country park

The Solution

The initial ecological appraisal of the site revealed the need to carry out further surveying to establish if the land was being used by Great Crested Newts (GCN), slow worms or badgers.  Following further surveys, including an extensive GCN survey, we were able to confirm the land was free of protected species and planning consent was granted by Sheffield City Council to enable the retail development to proceed.

Contact us for a quote

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