Residential Development, Leicestershire

A new residential development consisting of 89 dwellings across two apartment blocks and 18 individual dwellings surrounded by public open space and amenity areas in the heart of Hinckley in Leicestershire.

Key Facts

Services Provided:

Additional Services Provided: 

Contribution to Planning Consent: Mitigated objections from Leicestershire County Highways with regards to traffic via comprehensive Transport Assessment including junction capacity assessment, traffic surveys and analysis.

Key Environmental Facts: Extensive protected species surveys to confirm the absence of newts and bats.  Protected the existing trees on site to comply with British Standard 5837:2012.  Comprehensive landscape proposals including planting of new trees and habitat creation to enhance ecological biodiversity.

Trinity Leisure

Image courtesy of Green 4 Architects

The Project

Our work included landscape master planning, tree survey, ecology survey as well as providing a detailed Transport Assessment to meet Leicestershire County Highways approval.  The assessment included detailed junction capacity analysis as well as predicted trip generation calculations to satisfy the requirements of LCC.

The Results

Working closely with Hinkley & Bosworth Borough Council, Encon Associates collaborated with architects and developers Green 4 to deliver planning consent for the scheme.

Contact us for a quote

We are always happy to offer impartial advice and guidance - if you have a requirement for one of our services and would like to discuss, or to request a quote, please contact us below.