Transport Statement - McCarthy & Stone Retirement Living, Maidstone

Commissioned to provide a Transport Statement, our Transport Consultants carried out an assessment of the potential impacts on the surrounding highway network for this proposed new retirement living development by McCarthy & Stone.  The report was submitted to Maidstone Borough Council in support of the application to mitigate any potential objections from the Highways Authority.

Key Facts

Development Site Area: 0.25 hectares

No. of Units: 28 apartments

Services Provided: Transport Statement

Contribution to Planning: Production of a comprehensive transport assessment suitable for submission to Maidstone Borough Council

Artist's Impression

The Solution

Proposed Site Plan

Currently occupied by an existing office block, the proposal is to redevelop the site with a new purposed built, retirement living apartments.  The Transport Statement demonstrated that the change of use from office to residential would have no impact on the surrounding highway network and would, in fact, result in a reduction in overall peak time traffic.

The report included a detailed analysis of existing traffic flows, calculations for the trips generated by the current and proposed use of the site and assessment of historic accident data in the area in order to satisfy the local authority the development would have no demonstrable impact on existing highway conditions.

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